Friday, 25 April 2014

How to use progressBar and button in window appliaction


Here i will explain how to use progress Bar in window application.

Drag and down a progress Bar and a button and a timer from tool box.
Double click on progress bar and timer and write this code.
private void btnprogress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 

Now double click on timer

private void timer1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 

We can also control the speed of the interval by a timer property.

Run your application and click on button.

Dynamically display Current date and time in window form


Here i will explain how to display current date and time by using code in window form.

Step(1):- Form
Drag and down a Leble and a timer from toolbox. when you drag and down a timer it will go down. you can change its property like interval.
Step(2):- Code

Double click on timer and write this code

Private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;
this.time_lbl.Text = datetime.ToString();
Private void time_lbl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

And you go at  " InitilizeComponent" and write below this

Step(3):- Output

Now run your application

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

How to link chart Graph with database in window form


Here i will explain that how to connect Chart-Graph with database.

Step(1): Form
Drag and down a chart graph and a button from tool box.

Step(2): Coding
Now click on Button (Load Button). and write this code

private void Load_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("server = MUNESH;Database=datastore;UID=sa;Password=123;");
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from data1", con);
DataReader mydatareader ;
myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Catch(Exception ex)
Step(3) : Run
Now run your application and click on button.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

How to use chart graph in window appliaction


Here i will explain how to use Chart Graph window application.

Step(1) : Form
Drag and down a chart graph and a button from tool box.

You can change properties  of this chart graph. Main property of this chart graph is "collection"
From this we set Graph as a X-axes and Y-axes. Here i am meking graph b/w Age and score.You can change color and background image.
Step(2) : Code
Click on button and write this code.

Private void Chart_btn_Click(object sender, Event args)




Step(3) : Run
Now run your application and click on button.

C# program Selection Sorting

Selection sort is a straightforward sorting algorithm. This algorithm search for the smallest number in the elements array and then swap i...