As we know when
we run our application then its automatically create database. But about 2nd
time , it will create database or it will change in database tables or 2nd
time it create new database. To handle all these type of task you have to use
one of them database initialization strategies.
There are four type of database initialization
- CreateDatabaseIfNotExists:
This is default initializer. As name Shows, it will
create the database if none exists as per configuration. After that if you make changes in the application class and run the application with this
initializer, then it will give an
- DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges:
This initialize
leave existing database and create
a new database, if your entity classes (application classes) have been
changed. So after that it will maintain your database.
- DropCreateDatabaseAlways:
IF we go to this initialize its
shows that it drop database always when you run your application whatever
you have made any changes or not in class. Actually this initialize is
useful when we need new database when you want to run your application.
- Custom
DB Initializer:
Suppose if any of the above do not satisfy your requirement then
you also can make your custom initialize
other thing if you want to use above 3 initializer then you have to do another process.
To use one of them initializer, you have to set DB Initializer using Database class in Context
class as shown below :
public class CompanyDBContext:
public CompanyDBContext():
Database.SetInitializer<CompanyDBContext>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<CompanyDBContext>());
public DbSet<Employee>
Employees { get; set; }
public DbSet<Department> Department {
get; set; }
If you want to create your custom class then
public class ComapanyDBInitializer
: CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<CompanyDBContext>
override void Seed(CompanyDBContext context)