Sunday, 20 September 2015

Interface in C#

Key Points:
1.     An interface contains only the signatures of methods, properties, events or indexers.
2.     Interfaces cannot contain constructors.
3.     Interfaces cannot contain fields.
4.     By default Interfaces are internal we can make it public ,but not private, protected, or protected internal.
5.     The modifier are not valid for this items inside the Interface ,by default all items have "public" as modifier.
6.     Interface can be implement by other Interface but not by Other class,
     Ex:interface IDoctor: ITeach
7.     The class which implements interface, should implement all members of the Interface, else it results in compilation error.
8.     Interfaces cannot be initialized directly, since they do not have a definition for members, they should be implemented by either a class or structure. 

Why Interfaces...?
      The OOPS is gifted with a concept called Inheritance, but Inheritance has some limitations, like multiple inheritance we can’t able to create a derived class from two base classes, since it confuses the compiler.

      We will discuss it briefly with following example
class IndianFather
        void setColour()
            Console.WriteLine("Setting the Indian Colour");
    class ForeignFather
        void setColour()
            Console.WriteLine("Setting the Foreign Colour");
    class Child:IndianFather,ForeignFather


      From above example we can clearly know that, a derived class cannot have multiple base classes, so we can put the method setColour() into a interface
as follows
namespace InterfaceDemo
    interface IColour
        void setColour();

    Now we can implement IColour interface in two different classes IndianChild and ForeignChild
class IndianChild:IndianFather,IColour
        public void setColour()
            Console.WriteLine("Setting the Indian Colour");

    class ForeignChild : ForeignFather, IColour
        public void setColour()
            Console.WriteLine("Setting the Foreign Colour");

     Suppose we have same method  names in two different Interfaces, then we implement such methods with Interface name as prefix like
void IColour.setColour(), this kind of implementation is called as Explicit Implementation.
     We are not provided with option like Explicit Inheritance, so interfaces comes into picture.I n C# multiple inheritance is not allowed, Conversely it is achieved by interfaces like, a class can implement more than one interface.

I here explaining the real time example of Interfaces. Consider a hospital, which consists of various departments like Reception, Out Patient Department (OPD).

                               In reception department a guy who collects information from patients and get admission of the that patient, then he allocates the specific department to the patients viz OPD,Cardiology.

                             Now we create our first interface for the "Reception Department".
   namespace InterfaceDemo
    interface IReception
        void getAddmission();
        void allocateDepartment();

                             Now we create our second interface for the "Treat Department".
namespace InterfaceDemo
    interface ITreat
        void doOperation();
        void suggestPrecription();
We will create a class called Hospital, which implements our Interfaces IReception and ITreat.

namespace InterfaceDemo
    class Hospital:IReception,ITreat

        public void getAddmission()
            Console.WriteLine("Getting addmission of patients");


        public void allocateDepartment()
            Console.WriteLine("Allocation department to patients");

        public void doOperation()
            Console.WriteLine("Doing operation to patients");

        public void suggestPrecription()
            Console.WriteLine("Suggesting prescription to patients");

                      If we instantiate our Hospital class then, we done with interfaces

namespace InterfaceDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Hospital objHospital = new Hospital();
            objHospital .getAddmission();
            objHospital .allocateDepartment()
            objHospital .doOperation()
            objHospital .suggestPrecription()

                    Now this is the simple example of interfaces, but just imagine a real world scenario, where we want to instantiate a object for Reception Department, then if we follow the above steps, like

namespace InterfaceDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Hospital objReceptionist = new Hospital();
            objReceptionist .getAddmission();
            objReceptionist .allocateDepartment();
            objReceptionist .doOperation();
            objReceptionist .suggestPrecription();

   The above code will provide all permissions for the receptionist viz getAddmission,allocateDepartment,doOperation,suggestPrecription. this will create a great disaster, since here receptionist  able to make operation as well as suggesting prescription. so we have to pull back receptionist to do only his work, the below code will do this work.

namespace InterfaceDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            IReception objReceptionist = new Hospital();
            objReceptionist .getAddmission();
            objReceptionist .allocateDepartment();

Now on wards the Receptionist will do only his work. Great we successfully pulled him back, now we create a doctor to treat patients.

namespace InterfaceDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            ITreat objDoctor = new Hospital();

          Now we come across a use of Interfaces, now we look at one more vital essence of Interfaces.

As you all know about our first Interface IReception, it includes two implementation less methods like getAddmission(), allocateDepartment(), now we use same Interface IReception in our new class called College.

The college class implements one more Interface called ITeach, its declarations is as follows
namespace InterfaceDemo
    interface ITeach
        void teachStudents();
        void conductExams();

The class college implements IReception and ITeach as below
  class College : IReception,ITeach

        public void getAddmission()
            Console.WriteLine("Get Addmission in to College");

        public void allocateDepartment()
            Console.WriteLine("Allocation department for students");

        public void teachStudents()
            Console.WriteLine("Teach to students");

        public void conductExams()
            Console.WriteLine("Conducting Exams to students");

          In class College we implementing same methods of IReception with different implementation, depending on the context, since Interfaces keeps themselves open for different kind implementation on different context.

          Class College instantiate in same manner like Class Hospital
namespace InterfaceDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            College objCollege = new College();
            objCollege.teachStudents ();
            objCollege.conductExams ();

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Open a link in new browser window in MVC

Here we will understand How to open a link in new browser window in MVC. Before proceeding this,
Go through the this previous tutorial
In last tutorial we created a student class let’s change that class
public class StudentMetaData

        public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

        public int? WinningPrize { get; set; }

        // Generate a hyperlink
        public string PersonalWebSite { get; set; }

        public DateTime? AdmissionDate { get; set; }

Change the detail action method in Home controller

        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            MVCVariousAttributeEntities _context = new MVCVariousAttributeEntities();
           Student _studentDetail =  _context.Students.Where(c => c.Id == id).SingleOrDefault();
           return View(_studentDetail);

And the code for Details.csHtml (View)
@model MVCApplicationWithVariousAttribute.Models.Student

    ViewBag.Title = "Details";



At this point if we run our application and redirect to following link then student  detail will like.

At this point if we click on link (PersonalWebsite) then it opens in same window if you want to open it in new window then there are some steps to do this
1.   Right click on View and add a new folder and it name as “Shared” . So anything you want to shared with all the view you can put here.
2.   Now right click on this shared folder and add a new folder with the name “DisplayTemplates”.
This “DisplayTempate” can be put in Home Folder but if we put it in Shared folder then this can be useful for all the View.
3.   Right click on “DisplayTemplates” and add a view and give the name it “Url” this name should be match with the  DataType attribute which we defined in student class.
        // Generate a hyperlink
        public string PersonalWebSite { get; set; }

It will create a view and generate a view code, so delete that auto generate code and write following code
<a href="@ViewData.Model" target="_blank">@ViewData.Model</a>

Now Run your application and see the output, now this link will open in browser window .

But the thing is this approach will come for all the link means now all the links will open in new browser, So for some links we don’t want to open link in new window then there are some steps for this
1.   First Change the view name from Url to “OpenInNewWindow”
2.   Now change the Student.cs class
        public string PersonalWebSite { get; set; }

UIHint attribute is used to use the specific template .

Now Run you application and see the output.

C# program Selection Sorting

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