The intention behind writing this article is to introduce a
new product for generating PDF which I felt is very simple and easy to use.
Really generating a PDF makes it very simple using this component.
For this, you need not required to install Acrobat Reader
and good thing is it can be integrated with .Net. So using C# or VB.NET we can
create our PDF document.
Let me show some couple of example which will give you clear
idea of how simple it is to use this component.
Steps to generate the simple PDF document –
1 1)
Add the reference of the Spire.Pdf dll in your
2) Create an object
of PDF document
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
3) Now you need a content place holder where actual content
need to be loaded. So add a page in the PDF document.
PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add();
Creating PDF document
with Text
Using Canvas.DrawString method, add the content. Here I have
taken one textbox in my web page and loaded the content from that text box.
for add text object
private void LoadText(PdfSection section)
PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add();
new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica,
new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Red),
10, 10);
Adding image in a PDF
For loading the image and adding it in a PDF document is
very simple.
Create an object of PdfImage which takes parameter of Stream
object. Here I have used FileUpload control in my web page and passed the
InputStream as shown below:
PdfImage image = PdfImage.FromStream(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream);
for adding Image
private void LoadImage(PdfSection section)
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add();
PdfImage image = PdfImage.FromStream(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream);
float width = image.Width * 0.50f;
float height = image.Height * 0.50f;
float x = (page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - width) / 2;
page.Canvas.DrawImage(image, x, 60,
width, height);
Adding grid in a PDF
This is the most important type of data representation which
we usually require in our application.
i.e. - Show data in a grid format. This tool provides us
easy way of creating grid structure.
Here we create an object of PdfTable and then using a
DataSource property provides a collection object. I want to show First Name and
Last Name in my grid.
PdfTable table = new PdfTable();
Code for generating grid
PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add();
PdfTable table = new PdfTable();
table.Style.CellPadding = 2;
table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue;
table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f));
table.Style.AlternateStyle = new PdfCellStyle();
table.Style.AlternateStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightYellow;
table.Style.AlternateStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f));
table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.ColumnCaptions;
= PdfBrushes.CadetBlue;
table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold));
table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center);
table.Style.ShowHeader = true;
table.DataSourceType = PdfTableDataSourceType.TableDirect;
return a data table
= GenerateList();
the width of column
float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width -
(table.Columns.Count + 1);
table.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.24f
* width;
table.Columns[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);
table.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.21f
* width;
table.Columns[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);
table.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.24f
* width;
table.Columns[2].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle);
table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, 10));
This is just a simple sample to show you how powerful is the
tool. Not only loading text, images or grid, you can show lots of other data
Adding Watermark
Drawing objects
Adding action to the links within the PDF
Adding Paging
Generating Barcodes
Merging more than one PDF into single PDF
Splitting one PDF into multiple
And many more…
One more feature about this component is providing Security
to your PDF file means creating password protected PDF. Below is the code
snippet to generate the password protected file.
= PdfEncryptionKeySize.Key128Bit;
doc.Security.OwnerPassword = "pradeep";
doc.Security.UserPassword = "123";
doc.Security.Permissions = PdfPermissionsFlags.Print | PdfPermissionsFlags.FillFields;
Note: One another important
thing I would like to share with you is - This tool comes with the proper
documentation along with sample demos which you can find in their website. It
is a paid tool but the worth tool.
Using Spire.PDF, create you PDF files as per your
requirement easily and efficiently. I shared some of its simple features, but
there are lots more. So visit the website given below:
Hope you like this article. Please share your comments
whether it’s good or bad.
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