Here we will learn many-to-many relationship in entity
framework(EF) with database first approach.
Many to many relationship means suppose there
is school registration site which contain multiple students and students can
contain many classes. In general we can say that Many-to-Many relationship
require a join b/w tables .
We will understand this with an example
(1)First copy below script and Write query and insert some values to these
Create Table Classes
ClassesID int identity primary key,
ClassesName nvarchar(50)
Create Table Students
StudentID int identity primary key,
StudentName nvarchar(50)
Create Table StudentClasses
StudentID int not null foreign key references
ClassesID int not null foreign key references
key (StudentID, ClassesID)
Insert into Classes values ('Seven')
Insert into Classes values ('Eight')
Insert into Classes values ('Nine')
Insert into Classes values ('Tenth')
Insert into Students values ('Munesh')
Insert into Students values ('Rahul')
Insert into StudentClasses values
(1, 1)
Insert into StudentClasses values
(1, 2)
Insert into StudentClasses values
(2, 1)
Insert into StudentClasses values
(2, 2)
Insert into StudentClasses values
(2, 3)
(2)Go to your application and
right click on solution explorer and add a ADO.Net Entity data Modal and select
Database first approach if we generate entity then only 2 entity will generate
for Student and classes with many-to-many relationship b/w them. Now if we see
entity navigation property to navigate from classes to Students and from
Students to classes.
(3)At this point right click
on Many-to-Many association and
click on Table mapping in mapping screen s
many-to-many association is mapped
to StudentsClasses.
(4)Right click on you
application and add a webform and drag and down a Gridview from toolbox and
write below code at the Page_Load event of this web form.
StudentDBContext _studentDBContext = new StudentDBContext();
GridView1.DataSource = from student in _studentDBContext.Students
from classes in student.Classes
select new
StudentName = student.StudentName,
ClassName = Classes.ClassName
Now Run your application you will see
respective data in gridview.
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