In this
tutorial we will learn how to use controllers in an MVC application. previously we created a simple application and we deployed that on IIS server
and after we RUN that application , we saw that this application is running on
local host and the link is .. http://localhost/FirstMvcApplication
controller name and method is stored in AppConfig-
> Route Config class.
If we
change this URL and make it like below it will give same output.
FirstMVCApplication is application name and “First” is the Controller name
which is mention in Route class and “index”is the method name which also stored
in route class.
This all
route mapping stored in Global.aspx.
when Basically Global.aspx file is used for handling application,
objects,session events for ASP.NET web application which are running on
IIS Server.
So when wewill see Global.aspx file have “Application_Start “ method.
In this
method we will see a method for “RegisterRoutes() method.
Go the
definition of “RegisterRoutes()” this
method is define in “RouteConfing.cs” class. This method has Default controller
and method.
controller method is “Home” but we
change it as “First” and the default
method name is Index.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace FirstMvcApplication
public class RouteConfig
static void
RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller
= "First", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Here you
will see the ID which is optional now we want to pass some parameters to index
method so change index method.
public string
Index(string id)
"Hi, your id is = " +id;
After writing this function now run your
application and give the link and name also. Link is “http://localhost/FirstMvcApplication/first/Index/1”
Here i gave
id as “1” and output will be Hi, your id is = 1
We also can
use query string for this
Now we will alter this function and will pass two parameters like following example
public string
Index(string id, string name)
"Hi, your id is = " +id+ " your name is
= " +name;
And type
this URL and check the result
Just Like webform we can use query string
public string Index(string id)
{ return "Your Id = " + id + " and Name is = " + Request.QueryString["name"]; } |
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